Thursday, December 23, 2010
I hope everyone is having a a happy Christmas season. We certainly are. Tuesday was one of the high points of the season so far...

Ultimately, Christmas is about the greatest gift of all, the gift of life offered by Jesus Himself. We symbolize that gift through giving gifts to our loved ones. Sometimes, it is even more of a blessing to give gifts to people who are in need. Yes, you all know I run a bus route at our church and my wife helps in a class and in Children's Church. We have a huge burden for these kids. Sometimes, it is painful to see them come in with shoddy clothing, or see them in the winter with no warm clothing. No, this isn't about a social gospel, it is about faithfulness. Kids don't get something just because they show up at church the week before Christmas. Some of the people in our church also share our burden for these kids and gave us some money for Christmas gifts for the families. We were told only that we were to decide how to distribute the gifts we purchased with the money. We knew this was coming and we had been praying about which family to take care of. There was no doubt in our minds. There was one family who lived in a little house. The kids were always good and always came. We wanted to do so much for this one family, but we only had a little to work with. We were able to get coats and warm stuff for all four kids and mom. What a blessing!  Then, on Sunday afternoon, we were told that some people had given some more for our route. So, we added a ham and a big Christmas dinner.

Tuesday night, we were able to deliver it all. Some of our kids have run down houses and no clothes, but big screen TV's and expensive video games. Makes you think twice about helping them. This family was not like this. Yes, they had a TV, but it was an old one. They seemed to be genuinely blessed by what we were able to do. They may not realize it, but they were as much a blessing to us.

Sunday was interesting - the Devil was certainly fighting. I wish I could tell you about all the strange things that happened, but I cannot. Trust me... After sixteen years of children's and youth ministries, I was shocked. How did it end up? One of my bus kids wanted to get saved.

Oh, and there may be snow on Christmas. All in all, it is shaping up to be a great Christmas week.
Friday, December 10, 2010
The last few years have really been a roller-coaster.   I know worldly people will always flee from you when you stand for God, but I never expected my "Christian" friends to flee as well.  Recently, I commented about women who use social media to sublimely preach to men (click here to read it). There was quite an uproar from some Christian friends who claimed I was causing division. Yes, the preaching of the Bible is divisive! That was a low point for me. I was quite discouraged to think that my Christian, my PREACHER friends would not stand with the Word of God on such a clear issue. I guess we see who runs their homes and churches. Oh well.

However, since then, the gates of heaven have poured their blessings upon me. I still teach our church's New Convert's class. That is always a blessing. I have also been blessed with the privileged of preaching to more than 300 young people. One was saved! I have also been given a bus route at our church. We have more kids on our bus than some churches have on Sunday morning. This is a tremendous responsibility and a wonderful blessing!

Trust God, do right and He will take care of us!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Church was wonderful, as usual.  Tonight, preacher preached on Gal 4:20 "I desire to be present with you now, and to change my voice; for I stand in doubt of you."

In this message, he spoke of people he doubted.  People such as the ones who say they are saved, but do not go to church. People who claim to love God, but do not share HIS Word with lost people.  Preacher expressed his doubt for people who dressed one way at church and another everywhere else. He spoke of how he doubted the gossip.  In other words, Preacher expressed his doubt for the hypocrite. 

He made an excellent point, and I agree whole heatedly.  Making statements like these are not being judgmental, they are expressing doubt.

If you are a gossip, if you do not go to church, if you do not read the KJV Bible, if you listen to the world's music, if you dress like a harlot, etc., I have reason to doubt whether you are saved.  More importantly, if you do not want to change, I have reason to doubt your salvation.

What a service. What a message. I wish I could share it with all of you!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Well, our weekend started this Saturday morning with a leaky pipe. Bro. H from church came over and was a tremendous blessing to us. He spent several hours under the house, in puddles of cold, muddy water, fixing our plumbing. When it was all said and done, the leaks were fixed and Bro. H had informed us that we have poly butylene pipe. Of course, the settlement fund that was established as a result of the class action lawsuit closed its offices on December 31, 2009. So, we have to replumb the house out of pocket. Saturday: done.
Sunday, of course, was church. In case you don't know us, we attend a local Independent Baptist Church. I suppose, at some point, I should explain what an "Independent Baptist Church" is and why it is better than other denominations or even a Southern Baptist Church. Of course, our church is unapologetically King James Only. Our church is one of very few in the area that is truly old fashioned. No, there is no contemporary worship, no praise leader, no contemporary music -,no so-called Christian rock, no so-called Christian rap, no so-called Christian country, etc. The music is truly Spirit-filled. Likewise, the preaching is Spirit-filled and Bible based. This means that the whole counsel of God is preached. Sometimes, that is encouraging, sometimes that is a rebuke. Yes, our pastor preaches standards, he doesn't just 'bump' them occasionally.
Allow me to interject: one of the things that makes our church unique is the presence of men from two local rescue missions. These men add a lot to the church. There are often new men coming into the missions. As you read our blog, we will rejoice over these men being saved, but we will seldom mention them in the ranks of visitors. When we refer to visitors at church, we are speaking specifically about people from the community who have chosen to attend our church.
That said, this past Sunday was typical in that we had many first-time visitors. One of the most exciting things about our church is the way it is growing. Numerically, it seems as though people are being added to the congregation by baptism and transfer often. It is truly a blessing to be in a church that is alive and growing. Something else which is typical is that people seem to get saved every week. Sunday morning was a straight salvation message. I cannot imagine how someone could leave that service, after that message, and refuse the manifest grace of God.
Sunday night, the message was directed at the believer. Preacher dealt with hypocrisy. While it would be easy to say I wish certain people were there to hear the message, I must admit that I took a lot away from the message as well.
Wrapping up our weekend, we spent Martin Luther King day with some dear friends. As always, we are looking forward to our next opportunity to fellowship with them.
Please continue to pray for young lady (M.) and a family (the husband is T and the wife is R). I believe God is moving in all three of these lives.
Yes, you all have yet another blog to read.  This one, however, is about my life and the life of our family. So, welcome to our life.